Quick, Same day Repairs for all Heating systems in Keysborough

We can help repair any heating unit in no time!

Let's get connected!
24 hours / 7 days a week

496 delighted customers added to our database last month!

Customer satisfaction guaranteed!

We repair a wide range of makes and models of heating systems

Our technicians are trained and qualified to work on all types of heating units, including gas heaters, ducted heating systems, hydronic heating and much more. And they are fully licensed and authorised to repair all brands of heaters and we guarantee the workmanship on all our jobs.

Techs with up-to-date training on all models of heaters in Keysborough

Trained and experienced technicians are available for same day repairs for your heating units. When these units have issues, we want them to be fixed promptly to avoid the discomfort that extreme weather can cause. With QuickAir technicians, you can be sure that the support will be prompt and effective.

Our technicians are highly trained and proficient at their work.

What we do in Keysborough:

  • Diagnosis and repairs of your heating units
  • Regular maintenance of your heating systems
  • New installation quote or decommissioning of your existing heater units
  • Insurance reports
  • Extensive cleaning
  • Relocation & decommissioning quotes
  • Carbon monoxide testing

QuickAir provides you with easy to understand, transparent pricing options which suit all budgets. You can be assured of no hidden charges or surprises.

We can set up a site visit at your office or residence. Get started immediately; call us now on 1300 730 896.

Big Purchases Made Easy, 6-Months Interest-Free Finance Option

QuickAir believes in convenience, so we have up to 6-month interest-free finance options available for you. Visit our finance page for more information.

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7 Tips to Reduce your Heating Bill

With winter just around the corner, it’s important to know how much gas or electricity your heater is going to use and what you can do to reduce the cost. This information is also useful for deciding on the right type of heating to have installed in a new home

Why is My Ducted Heating Not Working in All Rooms?

While ducted heating is ideal for a house to feel comfortable and livable, this warmth can become a problem if the distribution of air is not equal in all rooms of the house. The phenomenon of uneven air distribution of heat in all rooms is known as uneven heating and can be quite troublesome. Ducted heater service by QuickAir can help,

How Does a Ducted Heating System Work

Perhaps one of the most efficient methods for heating up a home is a ducted heater installation. In many cases, a quality installation will help keep you warm throughout the cold and windy winter months in Australia. So, how does a ducted heater work? Let’s take a look,

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Best in Keysborough

Our helpful customer support staff will readily assist you to book a tech to repair your heater. Rest assured that your heating issue will be dealt with promptly and with care.

We cover all of the surrounding suburbs

Years of experience with all brands

We service every brand of heating and cooling units available in the market. This includes all the brands mentioned above and other brands like Vulcan, Rinnai, Haier, Midea, Sanyo, NEC, Kaden, CoolBreeze, TECO, Kelvinator and many more!

Get your heater repaired

Let's get connected!

24 hours / 7 days a week