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What are the Benefits of Scheduling a Regular Air Conditioner Service

Get Quick Air
21 Oct 2020
2 Min Read

Most people will agree that driving a car for years without having it serviced is not a good idea. It will first start run badly, and eventually it will completely break down, long before it’s designed to. We can say the same for your air conditioner and heating systems, these are major appliances and should be investments that last for years.

Scheduling a regular air conditioner service from a dedicated professional may be far more important than you realize. Most people live in regions where their air conditioner is needed all year round. If this is the case you should check it at least once a year.

Everyone has heard that they should get their air conditioner serviced regularly, others have been offered service plans. But for whatever reason, they were not aware of the benefits of one of these plans. This article will point out some reasons an air conditioner service agreement is beneficial.

#1 Your system will run more efficiently

Any HVAC system that goes a while without a service will definitely run less efficiently than it should. As a result, it may experience wear and tear and costing you more in your energy bills.

#2 Better for the health of the household

When an air conditioner system isn’t running at its optimum level, it can’t do the best job at heating or cooling, but it may cause the buildup of mold or mildew which can directly affect the health of anyone living in the household.

#3 Reduce the probability of expense future repairs

One of the principal reasons that people sign long-term air conditioner service agreements is that they understand spending a little now will save them a lot. Getting your system regularly serviced was reduced the chance of any unexpected and expensive emergency calls are repairs saving a lot of time and effort and headaches an inopportune breakdown can cause that.

#4 Better for the environment

A regular air conditioner maintenance service will ensure your system is working more efficiently and as a result is better for the environment. A fringe benefit will be that it uses less energy, meaning you will spend less money too. Protecting the environment while keeping your household budget in line.

#5 Protect your investment

Full house air conditioner systems are expensive and should last at least 10 years. But many of our customers who signed long-term air conditioner service agreements have seen their systems last up to 20 years. So spending a little money every year has insured that they’ve protected their initial investment and save themselves significant amounts on having to make costly repairs or replacements.

If you’re interested in an air conditioner service plan, this will be an excellent way to ensure your system receives a scheduled maintenance visit every year. These plans are also cheaper than unscheduled visits, so if you want to ensure your HVAC equipment remains some Tip-Top condition, contact Quick Air today to discuss our service plan agreements. Call us on 1300 730 896