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5 Reasons For a Broken or Underperforming Furnace

Get Quick Air
24 Aug 2021
2 Min Read

Several times in your life, a machine or appliance may have failed to function when you needed it the most. The same happens for hundreds of people when their furnace fails on a freezing winter day. You can easily visualize what a person would feel in such an uncomfortable situation.

Keeping in mind the importance of identifying and correcting problems with your furnace, we’re discussing here signs of a broken or underperforming furnace and the five most common reasons behind it, so that you should be able to avoid such an unwanted situation that emerges when a furnace fails.

Signs of A Malfunctioning Furnace

One of the most significant signs of a broken furnace is a nasty smell or strange sounds coming from it. It could also be the cold temperature inside the house, or a change in the air quality. These signs indicate that something is wrong with your furnace.

Quick Air experts recommend that if you feel that your furnace is having a problem, don’t ignore it – no matter how minor this problem appears to be, as it can turn into a major repair within no time. Moreover, it can put the health and safety of you and your family at risk besides skyrocketing your energy costs.

Now, let’s discuss the reasons for a broken or underperforming furnace:

1. Clogged Filters

Your furnace has an air filter that works to prevent dust, pollen, and related airborne particulates from entering your home. The filter also keeps your furnace running efficiently. Your furnace’s efficiency and performance will suffer if its filter is dirty and impedes proper airflow.

Luckily, this can be easily fixed. You can make your furnace work best by checking the filter regularly and replacing it when necessary.

2. Faulty Thermostat

Incompatible or faulty thermostats won’t cause a furnace to break down, but they can adversely affect its performance. A thermostat check is the quickest and easiest way to troubleshoot furnace issues before trying to identify other elements that may impact its efficiency.

3. Pilot Light Failure

It is possible that your furnace might malfunction because of a faulty pilot light or electrical ignition system. The pilot light or electrical ignition system is lit first in a gas furnace to ignite the burners, so any fault in those systems will prevent the furnace from starting.

You should check the pilot lights or electrical ignition system at least once a year to ensure they are working properly.

4. Faulty Blower Motor

The blower motor, which is responsible for circulating air in your home, can impact the temperature inside if not working properly. Blower motor failure won’t affect furnace ignition, but it will affect air circulation in your home.

The blower motor works in conjunction with other components that circulate air, such as belts, fan motors, and bearings. Make sure to check these components as well during the annual maintenance.

5. Interrupted Fuel Supply

A natural gas furnace needs continued fuel supply to work while a problem in the supply line can prevent it from starting. Quick Air experts warn against DIY on fuel supply lines since the gas is highly flammable and toxic.